Research Award Details

2019 - POSNA Microgrant

Promoting Bone Health in Communities: early use of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements

Grant Recipient: Christen Russo, MD

Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Additional Information:
DATE: 7/22/2020
NAME: The Trustees of Columbia University in the city of New York
ADDRESS: 615 West 131st, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10027

Name of Principal Investigator: Christen Russo, MD

Study title: Promoting Bone Health in Communities: Early Use of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements

Name of award: POSNA Micro Grant

Year in which the grant/award was funded: June 1, 2019 - May 31, 2020

Study Aims:
To educate the pediatric population regarding the importance of Calcium (Ca) and Vitamin D (Vit D) from the perspective of community bone health in the pediatric orthopedist’s urban office.

Create parent and child friendly info-graphics to better understand simple diet and nutrition, supplementation and the important of adequate calcium and vitamin D in the healthy child’s diet, as well as in the fractured child’s diet.

Research findings:

Infographics for patient handouts:
- Pamphlet with more detailed information regarding bone health, Ca, Vit D
- Specific supplement list, geared towards children, empowering parents to choose the proper dose with ease
- Magnet depicting foods rich in Ca & Vit D for both children and parents to easily reference
Office Posters:
- Ca & Vit D rich foods infographic reproduced in large format for office use and reference
Parents and children have expressed satisfaction and ease with relay of information and availability of oft-confused supplement reccomendations.

Expenditures: Please see attached expense report form.

1. Russo CM. “Bone Health in Trauma.” POSNA Bone Health Symposium; POSNA Virtual Meeting May 2020.
2. Russo CM. “Community Bone Health for the Pediatrician.” New York-Presbyterian/Brooklyn Methodist Hospital Dept of Pediatric Grand Rounds. 15 April 2020.
3. Russo CM, Sarnoff J. “Getting Enough Vitamin D While Sheltered in Place.” Pediatric Wellness in the Age of Social Distancing with Premier Pediatrics. Instagram Live. 8 May 2020.

Publications: N/A

Further grant obtained as result of POSNA funding: N/A